A strong result in tough conditions: 2019 Speckle Park sale results

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A strong result in tough conditions: 2019 Sale results.


A green tinge welcomed visitors from all over Australia to the 2019 Wattle Grove Speckle Park Annual Sale. A few spring showers had meant we were looking ok locally but we were also very aware of the extreme season a lot of our fellow cattlemen and women are having. Although confident in the quality of our cattle, we can honestly say there were a few nerves leading up to the sale.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny, a real treat for Oberon. The coffee was hot, Hellie had baked up a storm, the cattle were relaxed and we were ready.

With a strong online presence thanks to Chris Norris and Elite Livestock Auctions and a good crowd in the sale barn, Michael Glasser, GTSM got proceedings underway selling 21 out of 21 bulls for a top of $19000 (Lot 3-Wattle Grove Road Block N328 purchased by Crocodile Creek Speckle Park) and an average of $7976. Bulls were purchased from Tasmania to Central Queensland with the majority going to commercial programs.

Lincoln McKinlay, GTSM took over auctioneering for the females and got the sale rocking with $19000 for Lot 22-Wattle Grove Come on Eileen P204. Females topped at $20000 for Lot 25-Wattle Grove Nancy P240 (Purchased by Corndale Speckle Park) and averaged $9359 with all 16 heifers selling.

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Embryos and semen were again a sought-after commodity with embryos topping at $2300/embryo for Lot 45-GNK 50Z x MBG 25U and averaging $1568. Ulysses semen once again topped the semen lots with $510/straw. The average for semen lots was $381.

A sale is never possible without a huge team of people doing a whole lot of things behind the scenes. We are blessed with a team that works hard and know how to have a lot of fun. Thank you to Steve and Kel for the perfect preparation of our sale cattle and getting them to Oberon and back. To Steve, Brendan, Tim, Lauren and BB for the amazing help during sale week. You guys made sale week fun and so easy, despite the amount of work we had to get through. To Errol and Annette, thank you for supporting our sale in the way you do and for doing anything and everything we asked of you.

To the GTSM team of Micheal, Lincoln, Jodie, Jenna and Struan and Chris from Elite Livestock Auctions. It is so good to have people working with us that genuinely care about our vision and our success. That know the little things count and that there is a time for hard, focused work but also plenty of time for a good time. Thank you all.

As always, a massive thank you to Gary, Nancy and the Codiak Acres team for allowing us to use and promote their genetics. We are so grateful for the relationship we have with you.

Without buyers we don’t have a business and we sincerely thank all the purchasers and underbidders for their support and wish them the very best for the coming year.

Next up for us is The Twilight Sale, 22nd February 2020. Toowoomba Showgrounds, Toowoomba QLD.

Great Cattle, Great People, Good Times.



Christmas 2019 message from Wattle Grove Speckle Park


Wattle Grove Speckle Park Annual Sale Online Catalogue