January 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year!! Hard to believe we are already over half way through January and if you are like us then the calendar is pretty much full from now till Christmas. Over the festive period there were lengthy discussions on the benefit of making Christmas like Beef Australia and only having it every three years. Considering how quickly the years are now moving I think the idea has real merit ;-)

2024 is set to be another huge year for Wattle Grove with Beef Australia, two new lease properties to manage, increased recipient programs and the scope to extend our commercial cattle operations. Exciting times indeed.

As always we will keep you updated through our monthly newsletter along with our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.

The 12 Days of Christmas deals was a great success with a lot of hotly contested giveaways and high quality genetic packages sold to both new and existing Speckle Park breeders. Thank you to all those that participated.

Needing a bull to start the year? We have 10 paddock bulls located at Allora QLD. Check them out here or give Dale a call for more information.

Wishing you every success for 2024 and looking forward to catching up with you at one of our events.

All the best
Dale and Bin

Speckle Park cross calves, Bauhinia QLD. Thank you Loretta Smith, Cowpat Pastoral for the photos.


February 2024 Newsletter