To say we had some concerns leading up to the sale is an understatement. Six weeks out from the sale and with no break in the drought we were asking ourselves if we should be going ahead.

And then it rained! and for some it didn’t stop. The market responded and we thought we may just get away with it. The crowd of over 350 people all agreed that we made the right decision. It was an awesome night!

Wattle Grove Twilight Sale 2020 Band
Luke Dickens provided the perfect musical backdrop for those inspecting the cattle.
Steakhouse 48 provided perfect sustenance and the WG crew kept the drinks flowing late into the night.
Steakhouse 48 provided perfect sustenance and the WG crew kept the drinks flowing late into the night.

We also sold cattle 🙂

  • 27/27 bulls were sold to a top of $16000 (Lot 19-WGS N314) and an average of $7222
  • 6/6 PTIC females sold to a top of $25000 (Lot 31-WGS P641) and an average of $13166
  • 13/13 unjoined females sold to a top of $14000 (Lot 42-WGS Q720) and an average of $8038
  • Embryos sold to a top of $1700 (Lot 55-GNK 11C x CCCC 1B) and averaged $1362/embryo
  • Semen sold to a top of $375 for (Lot 58-Avery Creek Banjo 01B) and averaged $343/straw.

We were very pleased to be able to raise over $8500 for Need the Feed Disaster Relief and Dolly’s Dream from donated embryo lots. Thank you to Gary and Nancy Kiziak for their kind donation and everyone for supporting these two worthy causes.

A huge thank you to all our team that helped in the lead up to the sale, on the night and clean up. A special thanks to Steve Hayward and Kellie Smith for their help, support and friendship. They go above and beyond for us and we are so grateful. To Chris Norris, Elite Livestock Auctions, Michael Glasser and the GTSM crew and Lincoln McKinlay, Elders Thank you you all for playing a huge roll in our success. You make holding sales easy.

Thanks to Allison McCabe Photography for capturing these great shots of the Twilight Sale.